5 Key Laws Governing the Display of Foreign Flags in Nigeria


5 Key Laws Governing the Display of Foreign Flags in Nigeria

Here are the pertinent Nigerian laws and regulations concerning the display of foreign flags, including their provisions and penalties:


1. The Nigerian Flag and Coat of Arms Act (1959)

Provision:“No person shall display the flag of any other country or nation in Nigeria without the Minister’s permission.” (Section 2)

Penalty:“Violators of this Act may face a fine up to one hundred naira or imprisonment for up to one year upon conviction.” (Section 5)


2. The National Symbols (Prohibition of Display of Foreign Flags) Order (1962)

Provision: “Displaying any foreign flag or emblem in Nigeria without the Minister’s authorization is prohibited.” (Section 2)

Penalty: “Those who breach this Order may incur a fine up to two hundred naira or imprisonment for up to two years.” (Section 4)


3. The Immigration Act (2015)

Provision: “Non-Nigerians must not display any flag or symbol that could be considered offensive or disrespectful to Nigeria.” (Section 78)

Penalty: “Offenders may face a fine up to five hundred thousand naira or imprisonment for up to five years upon conviction.” (Section 78)


4. The Criminal Code Act (1990)

Provision: “Displaying any flag or symbol deemed seditious or disloyal to Nigeria constitutes an offense.” (Section 420)

Penalty: “Convicted individuals may be imprisoned for up to three years.” (Section 420)


5. The Terrorism (Prevention) Act (2011)

Provision: “Displaying flags or symbols associated with terrorist organizations is an offense.” (Section 21)

Penalty: “Those convicted under this section face imprisonment for no less than twenty years.” (Section 21)


These laws and penalties are subject to updates, and enforcement may vary based on specific circumstances and authorities involved.


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