Peace Ewor, RSU’s First Class Student, Shares Insight on how to Graduate with First Class


Peace Ewor, RSU’s First Class Student, Shares Insight on how to Graduate with First Class

Peace Ewor

Peace Ewor, who graduated as the top student from the Department of Computer Science at Rivers State University (RSU) with a remarkable CGPA of 4.58 for the 2022–2023 academic session, has a distinguished academic track record. She was also the leading graduate in her OND program at Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, in 2017. In an interview with Kingsley Alumona, Ewor reflects on her academic journey and shares her experiences.


Choosing a Polytechnic and Its Impact


Ewor’s choice of a polytechnic was initially driven by practical challenges. Originally aiming to study Petrochemical Engineering at Rivers State University in 2014, she faced setbacks due to WAEC grades and other admissions issues. This led her to Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, where she pursued Computer Science.


Her time at the polytechnic laid a strong foundation in logical reasoning, problem-solving, and technical skills, which have been instrumental in her career as a UI/UX designer. The practical approach of polytechnic education equipped her with hands-on experience and ignited her passion for technology and innovation.


Maintaining a First-Class Academic Standing


Ewor attributes her ability to maintain a First-Class grade to setting clear goals from the beginning. This focus helped her manage time effectively, participate actively in class, and utilize various resources. She emphasized the importance of consistency, dedication, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle to achieve academic success.


Interests and Final-Year Project


During her undergraduate studies, Ewor was particularly interested in software engineering due to its problem-solving nature and transformative potential. Her final-year project, titled “A Modern Computerized Cryptographic System,” explored advanced encryption standards (AES) and secure hashing algorithms (SHA-256). The project highlighted the balance between security and performance and demonstrated scalability for various applications.


Areas for Improvement in Education


Ewor identified several areas for enhancement in education. She suggested improving the recruitment and retention of quality lecturers by offering competitive salaries and professional development opportunities. Additionally, upgrading educational infrastructure, including modernizing laboratories and providing up-to-date technology, would significantly benefit students.


Perspective on HND vs. University Degrees


Ewor views the dichotomy between Higher National Diplomas (HND) and university degrees as problematic. She values the practical skills gained from polytechnic education and believes that both educational paths have their merits. She advocates for a more integrated approach that recognizes the value of both systems.


Balancing Technology and Humanity


While acknowledging the digital revolution’s benefits, Ewor believes it is crucial to balance technology with genuine human connections and critical thinking. She emphasizes that technology should enhance rather than diminish our quality of life.


Professional and Academic Development


Since graduation, Ewor has been advancing her skills as a product designer, working on projects in healthcare and fintech. She is also serving as a lecturer assistant in Ebonyi State and plans to pursue a master’s degree once financial constraints are resolved.


Future Aspirations and Advice


Looking ahead, Ewor envisions a leadership role in IT, contributing to innovative projects. Her advice to students is to remain dedicated, set clear goals, use available resources, and stay adaptable and curious to achieve academic excellence.


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