Nigerian Activist Comments on Teenage Couple’s Upcoming Wedding in Benue


Nigerian Activist Comments on Teenage Couple’s Upcoming Wedding in Benue

Nigerian activist Comrade Israel Joe has shared his thoughts on the upcoming wedding of a teenage couple in Benue State.

Comfort and Hyacinth are scheduled to marry in Kwande Local Government Area on August 30, 2024.


“Congratulations to them, but I wonder if they’re even 18 yet,” Joe remarked. “They may not fully understand what marriage entails, and divorce could be a possibility in their future. While I’m not wishing them ill, I’m sharing my perspective. My opinions might not be popular, but they are my own.”


Joe added, “As they grow and mature, they might realize they’re not suited for each other. Early marriages often face challenges as individuals grow and change. Class and changing attractions might lead to problems.”


“Marriage is more than just infatuation or love. I do wish them well and extend my congratulations, but sometimes it takes time for young people to truly understand life’s lessons.”


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