Defending Our Faith: The Unjust Attacks on Prophet Jeremiah and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry


Defending Our Faith: The Unjust Attacks on Prophet Jeremiah and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry


By Unyime Etim, Uyo

Prophet Jeremiah

The recent onslaught against Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, spearheaded by VeryDarkMan, Mr. Martins Vincent Otse, has sent shockwaves through the Christian community. This relentless spread of falsehoods has severely tarnished the reputation of a beloved spiritual leader.


The FCT High Court’s injunction against VeryDarkMan, prohibiting further defamatory posts, underscores the serious repercussions of his actions. Yet, the damage inflicted has already disrupted countless lives and strained the foundation of our faith.


NAFDAC’s involvement in this affair raises troubling questions about governmental overreach. An agency meant to regulate food and drugs has no business claiming authority over spiritual matters. Their efforts to undermine the integrity of Christ Mercyland’s spiritual products not only lack credibility but also infringe upon our constitutional rights.


The Nigerian Constitution enshrines the freedom of religion, yet NAFDAC’s actions reveal a troubling disregard for this essential right. Are they attempting to erode the very principles that uphold our beliefs?


VeryDarkMan’s alleged forgery of receipts further reveals his malicious intent. Motivated by a desire for notoriety, he appears willing to destroy the reputation of Prophet Jeremiah and Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry without remorse.


In a disturbing trend, this self-proclaimed ‘Social Media Chief Judge’ has also targeted Pastor Lazarus Muoka, accusing him of misrepresenting testimonies from his congregation. His viral post claims that the Pastor has failed to uphold the moral standards he advocates.


This latest attack has sparked a heated debate online, with some defending the critic’s right to express his views while others label his actions as “character assassination” and “cyberbullying.” Pastor Muoka has yet to respond, but many Christians have dismissed these allegations as “baseless” and “unfounded.”


These incidents raise critical questions about social media’s role in holding public figures accountable and the dangers of unchecked online criticism. As Etim Bassey, a social media analyst, notes, “Social media has become a courtroom where individuals are tried without due process. We must differentiate between legitimate criticism and character assassination.”


As this discourse unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that the intersection of social media, faith, and accountability demands careful consideration. The Christian community will not passively endure attacks on our leaders and sacred practices. We insist that NAFDAC adhere to its primary mission and respect the limits of its authority.


VeryDarkMan’s actions represent a cowardly exploitation of our faith’s vulnerabilities. However, we will not be cowed. We will not remain silent.


If these unwarranted interventions continue, what lies ahead? Will they challenge the sacred traditions of Holy Communion, anointing oil, and mantles that have sustained our faith for generations? The mere thought is alarming.


We call upon the appropriate authorities to take swift action against VeryDarkMan and NAFDAC. The Christian community demands respect for our beliefs and practices. We will not accept further interference from those lacking authority in spiritual matters.


To our fellow Christians, we say: stay vigilant and resolute. We will not allow darkness to triumph. We will stand firm in defending our faith, our leaders, and our sacred institutions.


Shall we allow opportunists and naysayers to dictate the narrative of our faith? Shall we let them desecrate the sacred sanctuaries of our churches? Absolutely not!


We are Christians, and we refuse to be silenced or intimidated. We will rise and reclaim our faith.


God bless the Christian community.


God bless Nigeria.


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