Bitcoin: How do I negotiate the opening of a larger than 16777215 sats channel on a Core Lightning node?

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Open the SATS channel more than 16777215 at Core Lightning Node

Bitcoin: How do I negotiate the opening of a larger than 16777215 sats channel on a Core Lightning node?

In order to maximize transaction fees and improve the overall efficiency of bitcoin transactions, it is necessary to understand how to negotiate the opening of more than 16777215 SATTOSHIS (SAT) on nuclear lightning. This article will guide you through this process.

Why are larger channels beneficial

The larger channel of Core Flash KNOT allows you to send and receive payments more efficiently, reducing the number needed to transfer the transaction to multiple nodes. This can result in significant savings for transaction fees, so transactions are cheaper and faster.

Maximum channel limit Core Lightning -T

To confirm this, the Core Flash KNOT has a maximum channel restriction:

  • The minimum value that can be entered as the option parameter is 1 Satoshi.

  • The maximum value that can be entered as the option parameter is 16777215 Satoshis (or 2^53).

  • The value of any 546 Satoshis cannot be used to create a channel.

How to negotiate about opening a larger channel

You must use the “-channel” option to discuss the larger channel using the Lightning-Cli command. Here’s an example:


Lightning -Cli Fundhannel -c


Replace and actual bitcoin addresses and `The size of the channel you want. For example ::


Lightning -Cli Fundhannel -c 16777215


Example of use: Send a larger channel

Suppose you want to send your friend, John on the 1677215 Sats channel with 10,000 Satoshi. You can use the following command:


Lightning -Cli Fundhannel -c 1000000


It creates a larger SATS channel than 16777215 and sends a transaction to John’s account.

Tips and security measures

  • When using lightning, always prefer security. Never discover your wallet seed or private keys to everyone, including friends or family members.

  • Use a secure and reliable internet connection to prevent lightning safety problems.

  • Before you try to create a larger channel, make sure you make a full backup of transaction data.

  • Keep in mind that creating a SATS channel more than 16777215 can result in an increase in network operating and slower processing times.

According to these steps and tips, you can effectively discuss the 167777215 SATS channel on the main knot, thereby increasing the efficiency and fees of the bitcoin transaction.

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