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Calculation of Estimated Bitcoin Awards: Understanding the economy of hash and blockchain
The decentralized nature of Ethereum and a fundamental mechanism of consensus of work evidence (POW) creates a complex network of transactions and calculations that produce new blocks. As a user, it may seem scary to understand how much bitcoin you get at any hash rate. In this article, we will break the concepts and provide guidelines on the estimated bitcoin awards calculation.
What is a hash rate?
The rate of hash (h) represents a rate by which the miner processes transactions on the Ethereum network. It is calculated by adding all the power of the network’s computer over time, often expressed in gigahashes in a second (GH/s). The highest hash rate indicates that Rudar has more computer forces to process transactions.
How does the hash rate refers to Bitcoin rewards?
In traditional mining pools, the miners compete to resolve complex mathematical puzzles, which requires significant energy from the computer. When you joined the Ethereum network, the hash rate is an integral part of the total computer load. As more users are contributing to their procedural power (hash rates), the level of new block difficulties increases, and the reward for their resolution is reduced.
Bitcoin estimated award for a private hash stop
To evaluate your estimated bitcoin rewards, you will need to follow these steps:
- Select Ethereum
RUDAR POOL: Choose a respectable and active miners pool that supports Ethereum’s consensus (Pow) proof of work. Popular pools include Antpool, Poolin and Pool.
- Calculate the estimated hash rate : Use Internet tools or software (eg Ethminer, CGMiner) to evaluate your real hash rate based on your system specifications and base you have selected.
- Select the difficulty level in mining : Determine the current level of difficulty in mining using the difficulty of the Ethereum calculator in the password.
- Evaluate your estimated prize : Use an internet tool to evaluate Bitcoin’s reward (for example,, Coindaddy) to calculate the estimated award based on the hash rate and difficulty level in the mine .
Example of calculation
Suppose you have a 16 GB upper graphics card, processing speed: 1000 mh/s. Join AntoPol’s pool, which estimates an average hash rate of 450 gh/s for Ethereum miners. The current level of difficulty in the legal war is approximately 18.7 tf (trillions) h/s.
Using On -Line tools or software, you estimate that your real hash rate is about 550 MHz (5.3 GHz). The difficulty level in mining remains at 18.7 tf/s. Then enter these values into the estimated reward calculator:
Estimated Hash -a: 550 MHz
Mining difficulty level: 18.7 TF/s
Estimated reward: approximately $ 0.0000044 per block
Why your estimated rewards can be lower than you expect
Remember that your hash rate and the level of difficulty in mining may vary, which affects your estimated rewards. Factors such as:
: Pools can adjust their mining strategies or add new miners, changing the general loading of the network’s computer.
* hardware upgrade : Changes in your hardware can affect the power of the process and therefore your estimated awards.
* NETWORK CONSTRUCTION : Increased network activity can reduce the difficulty level in dealing with blocks, which affects your estimated reward.
The calculation of the estimated Bitcoin prizes with a certain hash rate requires some mathematical calculations and understanding of Ethereum’s blockchain economy. Although it may seem scary, selecting an active miners pool, an estimate of the hash rate and using internet tools or software, you can get an approximate idea of the rewards you will gain.
Remember to be in progress with changes in Ethereum network architecture, mining strategies and hardware development to maximize your estimated award. Happy mining!