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I Can Provde You With a Sample Article on How to Recrite the Readation and 1111 UNISIPH V3 pool in Javasing Us.
retrieving Tomeken ammeounts from unniswap pool
Unisswap V3 Providing for Retin Information ABOUTITABOUTION BLances, Including Amoling Apounts Held in a Pool. in the This Article, We’ll Walk to use to use the UNISWAP.
Before You Begin, Make You Have the Falling Depenencies Installed:
NPM Install Install Unissp-Js
ccode ehample*
const it
| ̃’ Requor(”’Sicinswap-j’);
Async Tunction Getpooltochenamounts()
// 5 6 The Unisswap V3 petance instance
const a Api ny uninspav3interterterce
Providder: yhttpps:/Mainnet.inora.IO/V3/Juure
Apikey: ‘Your_a_Piky’,’
// Creat a pool Object for the Specificied pool (E.G. Unisswa voon pool)
constol wo apol wo api.ageepool(0ool(0…….. / Replace With the pool Addresss
Tary .
// Ge to the AOUUUT THE AOUTSTUTINT and Token1 from from from.
constinkn0amoutent WAWAW pool.getbalancef(”’Sony’token0′);
Const1en1 awallornt WARAAmit pool.getbalancef(” earn1′);
retture them ineaken0amouunt, token1amomentent 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CE;
| errr)
return nun;
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// Xammple Usage:
If (results)
Const them inexen0amomentent, tocen1amomentant j Numbers;
console.log( xetoaken: $$kokonxeakamomentation);
console.log( xetokn1 amaken: $$kokn1amomentation);
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In the Thsis Code Exhimple:
- We Create a New Instance of the UNISAPH3interfapes, Passing in Our Infura Infuject Id and Apit As Arguments.
- We Then Create apool Object for the Specificid Pool (E.G. Unissp. Unissp. Testnet Pool).
- We use the cegetlacle to Method to the Rert the Reatort of Tokens and Token1 From the Pool.
- Finally, We Return will Object With the Rezeds Amomts.
Ttrou into tps
The if You Experiencing Issuing the Token Amolounts Using Thirs Coca, Herea some Trouctic Institute tempse:
- Verify That Your Infura Project Id and Apia are correct and Valid.
- Check the Unissp Documentation for Adange Changes to the Ape Origins for Using Unism V3.
By Fallowing Thsis Article, You Shoud that the A-Mint of Token0 Token1 from a drom in javascript. If You Encounter Issues or Foru Farther quems, Feel Free to Ask!