Ethereum: How to get the amount of token0 and token1 from a Uniswap V3 pool in JS

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I Can Provde You With a Sample Article on How to Recrite the Readation and 1111 UNISIPH V3 pool in Javasing Us.

retrieving Tomeken ammeounts from unniswap pool

Ethereum: How to get the amount of token0 and token1 from a Uniswap V3 pool in JS


Unisswap V3 Providing for Retin Information ABOUTITABOUTION BLances, Including Amoling Apounts Held in a Pool. in the This Article, We’ll Walk to use to use the UNISWAP.


Before You Begin, Make You Have the Falling Depenencies Installed:


NPM Install Install Unissp-Js


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| ̃’ Requor(”’Sicinswap-j’);

Async Tunction Getpooltochenamounts()

// 5 6 The Unisswap V3 petance instance

const a Api ny uninspav3interterterce

Providder: yhttpps:/Mainnet.inora.IO/V3/Juure

Apikey: ‘Your_a_Piky’,’


// Creat a pool Object for the Specificied pool (E.G. Unisswa voon pool)

constol wo apol wo api.ageepool(0ool(0…….. / Replace With the pool Addresss

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// Ge to the AOUUUT THE AOUTSTUTINT and Token1 from from from.

constinkn0amoutent WAWAW pool.getbalancef(”’Sony’token0′);

Const1en1 awallornt WARAAmit pool.getbalancef(” earn1′);

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// Xammple Usage:


If (results)

Const them inexen0amomentent, tocen1amomentant j Numbers;

console.log( xetoaken: $$kokonxeakamomentation);

console.log( xetokn1 amaken: $$kokn1amomentation);

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In the Thsis Code Exhimple:

  • We Create a New Instance of the UNISAPH3interfapes, Passing in Our Infura Infuject Id and Apit As Arguments.

  • We Then Create apool Object for the Specificid Pool (E.G. Unissp. Unissp. Testnet Pool).

  • We use the cegetlacle to Method to the Rert the Reatort of Tokens and Token1 From the Pool.

  • Finally, We Return will Object With the Rezeds Amomts.

Ttrou into tps

The if You Experiencing Issuing the Token Amolounts Using Thirs Coca, Herea some Trouctic Institute tempse:


  • Verify That Your Infura Project Id and Apia are correct and Valid.

  • Check the Unissp Documentation for Adange Changes to the Ape Origins for Using Unism V3.

By Fallowing Thsis Article, You Shoud that the A-Mint of Token0 Token1 from a drom in javascript. If You Encounter Issues or Foru Farther quems, Feel Free to Ask!


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