Ethereum: What does change address mean inside Electrum wallet?

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Understanding “Change Address” in Electrum Wallet

As a Bitcoin enthusiast, you are not alone in your confusion about the meaning of “change address” in the Electrum wallet. In this article, we will break down what each component means and provide clarity on receiving Bitcoins.

What is a change address?

A change address, also known as a Bitcoin recipient address or withdrawal address, is a unique string that identifies the person you are sending your Bitcoin coins to. It is usually displayed next to the “send” button in an Electrum wallet or other Bitcoin software.

To understand what this address is:

  • Public Key: The public key is a unique identifier for each Bitcoin transaction. When you send Bitcoins, the recipient’s public key is used to generate a signature that proves ownership of the coins.
  • Recipient Bitcoin Address: This address is the final destination for the sent Bitcoins, as long as it is linked to your Electrum wallet.

What does change address mean?

A change address is essentially the recipient Bitcoin address. It indicates who should receive the Bitcoins once they are received by the sender. The format of a change address usually looks like this:

  • BC1...: This prefix indicates that this is an Ethereum-specific address.
  • [private key]: A private key that can be used to sign transactions.

Can I do anything with a change address?

Ethereum: What does change address mean inside Electrum wallet?

You cannot use the change address directly to receive Bitcoins. Instead, you will need to:

  • Send the coins: Once you have received your Bitcoins from someone else, click the “receive” button in your Electrum wallet to add them to your balance.
  • Use the Change Address: To send new Bitcoins to another recipient using this address, simply copy and paste it into the “change address” field.

Example of a change address

Here is an example of a change address:

“BC1…”: This is an Ethereum-specific address with a private key.

“[private key]”: A 32-character hexadecimal code that can be used to sign transactions.

While receiving Bitcoins from someone else may not require using this address directly, it is important to understand the purpose and implications of each component. By understanding the meaning behind changing addresses, you will become more comfortable using the Electrum wallet and other Bitcoin software applications.


Understanding the change address in your Electrum wallet is crucial to effectively managing your Bitcoin balance. By knowing what this address is and how it works, you can make informed decisions about sending and receiving Bitcoins.


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