Nationwide Protest: See what Islamic Clerics Urge Youths to do After Meeting with President Tinubu


Nationwide Protest: See what Islamic Clerics Urge Youths to do After Meeting with President Tinubu

A group of Islamic clerics has urged Nigerian youths to cancel the planned protest scheduled for August, asserting that it will not produce any positive results. This appeal came after their meeting with President Bola Tinubu on Thursday.


On Thursday, President Tinubu held separate meetings with APC governors, traditional rulers, and Islamic clerics in an effort to prevent potential unrest as Nigerian youths gear up for a nationwide protest.


Following their meeting, Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, President of JIBWIS, shared that they communicated the public’s concerns to the President. “We serve as a medium for the less privileged in society to voice their views and concerns to the President, and Alhamdulillah, we have conveyed issues regarding hardship, insecurity, and more,” Bala Lau stated, adding that the President listened attentively to their concerns.


“The President welcomed us, appreciated our visit, and assured us that he will address the issues we raised,” Bala Lau continued.


The cleric appealed to all Nigerians, regardless of their religious affiliations, to exercise patience and pray for both the President and the country. “We urge Nigerians, both Muslims and Christians, to be patient. Insha Allah, positive results will emerge,” he said.


Nigeria is currently experiencing its worst cost of living crisis in a generation, exacerbated by President Tinubu’s economic reforms. Since the removal of petrol subsidies last year, food prices have more than doubled. The decision to float the naira, allowing market forces to dictate its value, has further aggravated the situation.


Despite the hardships, President Tinubu and his administration maintain that these policies are crucial and will eventually strengthen the economy. The President has acknowledged the difficulties and unintended consequences of the reforms but has asked Nigerians to endure them for the greater good.


During the Thursday meeting, Abdurrahman Ahmad, the spiritual leader of the Ansarudeen Society of Nigeria, mentioned that the President was very receptive to the people’s messages. “He explained the government’s efforts to stabilize the economy. He acknowledged that the current situation is challenging, likening it to weaning a child who has been exclusively breastfed,” Ahmad said.


He assured that the President is empathetic to Nigerians’ suffering and has promised further interventions to alleviate the hardships. “In the coming days, Nigerians will begin to see the results of these sacrifices,” he said, urging citizens to avoid being incited against the government and to cancel the planned protests.


“We urge the people to abandon the protest. It will benefit no one. We have communicated their anger and frustration to the government, and the President has reassured us that these issues will be addressed.”


Earlier reports from FIRST CLASS GISTS indicated that traditional rulers who met with President Tinubu before the Islamic clerics also made similar appeals. While both groups have called on young Nigerians to cancel the planned protests, opposition leaders have supported the protests, emphasizing that they should remain peaceful.


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