Nigerian Troops Kill 227 Terrorists, Rescue 253 From Kidnappers—-FCG


Nigerian Troops Kill 227 Terrorists, Rescue 253 From Kidnappers—-FCG


Nigerian troops have killed 227 terrorists, apprehended 529 and rescued 253 kidnapped victims in ground and air operations across the country in the last one week.


The troops recovered 231 as­sorted weapons and 6,441 assort­ed ammunition, comprising 89 AK47 rifles, 40 locally fabricated gun, 59 dane guns, 250kg bombs used by NATO and Eastern Bloc aircraft and one MRAP in the course of the operations.

Also recovered by the troops were: 4,198 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 841 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 88 rounds of 5.56mm, 16 rounds of 7.62 x 39mm, 99 rounds of 7.62x51mm, 956 rounds of 7.62x54mm, 242 live cartridges, one PKM mag­azine, 24 magazines, among others, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, the Director of Defence Media Operations told journalists in Abuja on Thursday.

Giving the breakdown of the operations of the Armed Forces across the country in the past week, Buba said in the North East, the troops of Operation Hadin Kai neutralised 83 terrorists, arrested 59 suspects and rescued 58 kid­napped hostages as well as recov­ered large cache of arms.


He said that 219 terrorist comprising 29 adult males, 65 adult females and 125 children surrendered to troops within the theatre of operations be­tween May 8 and 14.


In the North Central, Buba said the troops of Operations Safe Haven and Whirle Stroke, neutralised 27 insurgents, ar­rested 154 violent extremists and rescued 42 kidnapped hos­tages.

In the North West, he said the troops of Operation Ha­darin Daji, also neutralised 58 terrorists, arrested 125 terror­ists and rescued 105 kidnapped hostages.


Buba said the air component had on May 8, bombarded a new terrorists’ enclave in Faskari area of Katsina State following intelligence trail and confirma­tory ISR on migration of noto­rious terrorists’ elements to the deserted settlement.

According to him, battle damage assessment revealed that several terrorists were neu­tralised and their structures as well as logistics destroyed.


He added that troops of Operation Whirl Punch ap­prehended 68 illegal miners from an illegal mining site in Gwagwalada Area Council of FCT Abuja during the week.


He said that the troops also neutralised 25 terrorists, ar­rested 97 suspects and rescued 32 kidnapped hostages.


He also said that in the South South, troops of Operation Del­ta Safe recovered 1,442,700 litres of stolen crude oil and 154,650 litres of illegally refined AGO.

According to him, troops discovered and destroyed 18 dugout pits, 34 boats, five drums, four receiver, four reservoirs and 97 storage tanks.


“Other items recovered in­clude 198 cooking ovens, nine vehicles, three pumping ma­chines, two speedboats, one baofeng radio, one outboard en­gine and 57 illegal refining sites.


“Troops also neutralised three extremists and appre­hended 16 suspected oil thieves and other violent extremists”.

In the South East, Buba said the troops of Operation Udo Ka neutralised 21 terrorists, arrest­ed 45 violent extremists and res­cued 12 kidnapped hostages as well as recovered cache of arms.


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