Solana: Solana playground: Deployed token has no image and metadata and ({“err”:{“InstructionError”:[2,”AccountNotExecutable”]}})

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I can help you with that. I need more information about your project and the specific error message you have experienced. Here is an example article based on what you have provided:

Solana Playground: Deploying tokens with an unfulfilled account

In this article, we will study the connection of the problems to unleash the Solana Blockchain Marker using an anchor, a popular framework for building decentralized applications (DAPS).

`Is resting

Use Anchor_lang :: Prelude ::*;

Use Anchor_spl :: {

Associated_taken :: AssociatedTequen,

Metadata :: {Create_Metadata_Accounts_v3},


#[anchor contract]

MOD my_ Contract {

Use super:*;


PUB FN Create_Token (_info: Programinfo) -> Result {

// Create an associated for the unfolded token

Note Token = AssociatoKen :: New ("My Token", "MTOKEN", 1_000_000_000);

// Create Accounts in Metadata for tokena

Let accounts = Create_Metadata_accounts_v3 (& Token, & [123]);

Good (())






"Type": "Error",

"Msg": "Recuindalerror: Account is not executable",

"Data": {

"Instruction_id": "Create_token",

"Accounts": {

"Token": {

"Data": null,

"Key": "0x ..."


"Metadata_accounts_v3": [







In this example, the ‘create_metadata_accounts_v3feature is called with an empty array of accounts. To fix this problem, they must specify the account that will be executed by the Anchor compiler. This account must have a unique key (for example "0x ...") and the corresponding address of the contract.

To fix the problem in the filemy_ Contract.Rs, we must add the following line to the Create_TeKen feature:

`Is resting

Let the performance_info = Programinfo :: new ();

Let Contract_address = Execution_info.Account_Key ().

Let the account = "0x ..."; // Replace with a valid account key

// Create Accounts in Metadata for tokena

Let accounts = Create_Metadata_accounts_v3 (& Token, & [Account]);

Good (())

Full code

Here is the full code with the adjusted file my_

`Is resting

Use Anchor_lang :: Prelude ::*;

Use Anchor_spl :: {

Associated_taken :: AssociatedTequen,

Metadata :: {Create_Metadata_Accounts_v3},


#[anchor contract]

MOD my_ Contract {

Use super:*;


PUB FN Create_Token (_info: Programinfo) -> Result {

// Create an associated for the unfolded token

Note Token = AssociatoKen :: New ("My Token", "MTOKEN", 1_000_000_000);

// Create Accounts in Metadata for tokena

Let the performance_info = Programinfo :: new ();

Let the account = "0x ..."; // Replace with a valid account key

Let Contract_address = Execution_info.Account_Key ().

Let accounts = Create_Metadata_accounts_v3 (& Token, & [Account]);

Good (())




  • Be sure to replace the “account” variable in the Create_Teken` feature with a valid account key.

  • This example suggests that you have already set up your SOLANA development environment and have installed the necessary dependencies (such as anchor, anchor SPL).

  • This is just an example fragment of code and you should consult the official anchor and anchor documentation for more information on how to unleash the tokens of the Solana blockchain.

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