Tackle hunger, invest in education, clerics urge govt


Tackle hunger, invest in education, clerics urge govt

Olawaseye Yomi

The Chairman, Board of Trustees of Motailatu Church of God, Gabriel Akinadewo, has urged Nigerians to seek the face of God in addressing the myriads of economic and security challenges plaguing the country.


This was as the founder of the New Seraph Evangelical Ministry, Dr Oluwaseye Yomi-Sholoye, called on governments at all levels to introduce more economic policies and programmes to cushion the effect of current economic hardships Nigerians are undergoing occasioned by fuel subsidy removal.

Speaking on Wednesday during an Anointing Service to celebrate Ash Wednesday, Akinadewo of the Motailatu Church of God said the hunger in the land could be solved “with sincerity and right policies from those in authority” and the divine backing of God.


He said, “The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save Nigeria, neither his ears heavy, that they cannot hear the cries of Nigerians” but “sin” had separated Nigerians from God.

He said this as Christians commenced the 40-day Lent on Wednesday.


Preaching on the theme: ‘Come Ye to the Waters’ at the Restoration Parish of the Church in Akute, Ogun State, Akinadewo declared that Nigerians must urgently seek the face of God to eradicate the socio-political, economic and security challenges in the country.

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”

On her part, New Seraph Evangelical Ministry founder, Yomi-Sholoye, urged the government to pay attention to the hardship in the land.


She urged the government to particularly pay attention to the education sector, saying the high cost of education could increase the number of out-of-school children in the country.


A statement quoted her as saying this at the maiden edition of the church programme’s titled, “Orimolade Prophetic Night 2024,” held at the New Seraph Prayer City, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ode-Remo, Ogun State.

While Yomi-Sholoye, who is also the founder of Oluwaseye Yomi-Sholoye Foundation, a non-profit organisation, identified insecurity as part of the factors responsible for rising inflation and food insecurity.


Stating that securing life and property should not be left to the government alone, she called on Nigerians to be security alert and report suspicious activities to relevant government authorities timely.


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