2027: Nigeria President, Tinubu Policies Unsettle Northern APC


2027: Nigeria President, Tinubu Policies Unsettle Northern APC

present administration is the position of the government on Niger Republic. President Tinubu had asked for the invasion Niger because of the Military Coup in the country.


The North believed that Niger Republic is part of the North and anything against the country is against the North. They accused APC administration of working against the Northern interest, especially for cutting supply of electricity. The North vehemently spoke against such decision by Nigeria government. Also, the inability of the former Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-rufai, to be appointed a minister is something that the North is not taking lightly. El-rufai was nominated for Ministerial slot but some cabals moved against him and he was not cleared by the Senate. The former governor has been making consultation with some power brokers and traditional rulers, as he recently visited the former President, Muhammadu Buhari.


The former governor, who is a member of APC, is one of the politicians from the North, that the Northerners differ to. Against all the above is the issue of Kano, Plateau and Rivers State governorship crises. For some Northerners, the APC government attempting to turn the country to one political party state through harnessing those states is unbecoming. The situations in Kano, Plateau and Rivers states have been of concerns to many Nigerians and especially Northerners. They have warned the President not to allow the party to plunge the country into political crisis However, the problem with the North is which political party would they support against APC? Recently, a former Deputy National Chairman of the opposition Peoples Democratic party (PDP), Chief Bode George, said the party must field a Southern Presidential candidate in 2027.


Otherwise, it would go into extinction. An APC chieftain from the South West, who spoke under anonymity said, it would be difficult to change APC in 2027. According to him, the party would not change its Presidential candidate and there would be no any other political party strong enough to take away power from APC. He said: “APC would still retain power in 2027 because no other party would be strong to take away power from it.” He however said that they were worried that the moves by the ruling party to take over Kano and the crisis in Rivers State might spell doom for the party.


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