How will you judge this case between you children as a mother

How will you judge this case between you children as a mother

How will you judge this case between you children as a mother

From @General_Oluchi on X-(Formerly-Twitter)

I don’t know about you, but every evening, I get to play the honorable judge at home.

My son filed a petition against his sister with my honorable court, and his sister replied with shocking evidence. I am deliberating and will soon give my judgment because the silver white
toy car belongs to one of them although someone is claiming it with hot tears. The toy is in my possession since no one wants to compromise.

How will you judge this case between you children as a mother

The arguments to review are:

1. The toy belongs to the petitioner but the respondent loves playing with it.

2. The petitioner doesn’t play with the toy often but only wants to hold it when the respondent is playing with it.

3. Who should keep the toy? The owner or the one who loves playing with it?

You see, this is a tough case.


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