Abia State Governor: Past Administrations Should Be Held Responsible Not Me; Give Reasons 


Abia State Governor: Past Administrations Should Be Held Responsible Not Me; Give Reasons 


Abia State Governor Dr. Alex Otti has denied any wrongdoing regarding the unpaid salaries of state workers, attributing the issue to previous administrations. In his monthly media briefing held in Umuahia, Otti stated that it is unjust to hold him accountable for the salary arrears, emphasizing that he is dealing with the aftermath of past administrative failures and should be acknowledged for his efforts.


Otti explained that some of the salary arrears were not made public until recently. He noted that previous leaders would challenge his statements about the unpaid wages, while those affected remained silent.


Upon assuming office, Otti’s administration addressed the backlog of salaries owed by former administrations. His administration has made arrangements with Abia State University (ABSU), the College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu, and the state-owned polytechnic in Aba, where staff members were owed between 33 to 36 months’ worth of salaries.


The governor assured that his administration is committed to settling these arrears and other debts inherited from prior governments. He stressed that his government has not accrued any new debts since he took office.


Otti reiterated that the outstanding salaries are a legacy issue, and he is working to resolve them as funds become available. He appealed for understanding, stating that no one should pressure him unduly.


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