Anambra: Man Arrested for Defiling 7-Year-Old Neighbor


Anambra: Man Arrested for Defiling 7-Year-Old Neighbor

Chinonso Ezekiel Nwaebonyi, a 30-year-old resident, has been detained for sexually assaulting his 7-year-old neighbor in Awka, Anambra State.


The arrest followed a report from the girl’s mother, who discovered the abuse while bathing her daughter. She noticed swelling in the child’s genital area and, upon questioning, learned from her daughter that Nwaebonyi was responsible.


According to the mother, the abuse was recurrent and occurred whenever her daughter and her twin brothers visited Nwaebonyi’s home to play. She first sought medical attention for her daughter and reported the matter to Nwaebonyi’s guardian before bringing it to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.


Nwaebonyi, originally from Izzi in Ebonyi State, admitted to the assault but insisted it happened only once. He reportedly said, “I did not force the girl; I only asked her to lift her clothes and lie down.”


As of now, Nwaebonyi has been handed over to the police for legal proceedings.


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