Another Nigerian Pilgrim Returns €1,750 Found in Saudi Arabia


Another Nigerian Pilgrim Returns €1,750 Found in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Muhammad Na’Allah, a pilgrim from Gumi Local Government Area in Zamfara State, discovered €1,750 at the Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, and handed it over to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) to return to its rightful owner. 


Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi, the chairman of NAHCON, commended Muhammad for his honesty when he received the money at the NAHCON office in Ummuljud, Makkah. Arabi noted that Muhammad’s actions reflected his name, symbolizing his devotion to Allah, and demonstrated the positive impact of his pilgrimage on his character and behavior.


In a similar incident, Abba Sa’ad Limawa, a 52-year-old pilgrim from Jigawa State, returned a lost purse containing over N1.6 million in various currencies, which he found on his way to Masjidul Haram. Limawa searched for the owner at the location where he found the purse for two days but was unable to find them. He cited his fear of God as the motivation for his ac



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