BREAKING: Anambra’s Afor Market on Fire


FireBREAKING: Anambra’s Afor Market on Fire

Fire Outbreak

A fire broke out at Afor Market in Nnobi, located in the Idemili South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Afor Market is a major commercial hub in the area, offering foodstuffs, articles, electronics, aluminum works, and various other commodities.

The cause of the fire remains unknown, but it continues to spread, leaving shop owners in a desperate situation. According to eyewitnesses, no security personnel or fire service officials were present to tackle the blaze at the time of this report.

Shop owners were seen trying to save their merchandise from stores not yet consumed by the flames. “As I speak to you, no firefighting trucks have arrived in the 30 minutes since the fire started. We are helpless, watching our goods and shops burn. We urgently need the government to send firefighting teams before the entire market is destroyed,” said one distressed shop owner.


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