BSU ASUU STRIKE: State Govt, Mgt and ASUU to meet today, 21st of February And decide Students


BSU ASUU STRIKE: State Govt, Mgt and ASUU to meet today, 21st of February And decide Students

Benue State University

The Students Union PRO, Comr Thomas Fanen, in his Press statement made yesterday 20th of February about the feedback of the management in shutting down School and ASUU calling off strike as promised by the Vice Chancellor on the 19th meeting of the management with the students 

The statement read below:

Good Evening Comrades

Earlier today, the Students’ Union met with the Dean of Students Affairs, Deputy Dean and Chief Security Officer under the directives of the Vice Chancellor to conveyed to Students the progress towards the ASUU strike as he promised yesterday that Students should anticipate resolutions from meeting with the Governor.

As propelled by the management to give Students the feedback of the engagement after the meeting; the brief point is that, the Benue State Governor has been so much concerned about the ongoing strike action and has directed the state government committee to meet with ASUU and Management tomorrow and address his efforts and approach to them.

On this note, Students are encouraged to remain calm and await tomorrow’s engagement between the State Government, management and ASUU Leadership.

Also, you’re to understand that, it’s the concerned of the Governor that the University should not be locked and Students should not be compelled to vacate hostels and school premises since he’s making proactive measures to resolve the issue and ensures the ongoing strike comes to an end.

As we await outcome of the state government intervention tomorrow, let’s remain calm and law-abiding in anticipation for positivity.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours in struggle



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