Can You Marry Someone Your Family Members Arranged For You?

Can You Marry Someone Your Family Members Arranged For You?

Can You Marry Someone Your Family Members Arranged For You?

Researches have it that approximately 95% of marriages in India are arranged, with the divorce rate at 1%. I come from a big family, with 25 first cousins
and many more second and third cousins.

Out of these 28, 24 are now married and 2 are engaged. All arranged marriages, with no divorce to date.

I am the black sheep of the family, with the first love marriage in the history of my family. I believe that I am the custodian of my own
happiness. I believe that God gave me free will.

So, I cannot marry someone my parents choose for me because even if they trained me from birth, they have limited knowledge of what
gives me fulfillment, especially in the area of choosing a life partner.

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