Driver’s Good Deed Backfires: How Helping an Accident Victim Landed My Dad in Jail


Driver’s Good Deed Backfires: How Helping an Accident Victim Landed My Dad in Jail

My dad, who has been a delivery driver for over 20 years, recently faced a tough situation after trying to help an accident victim. On September 4, 2024, between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m., he saw a motorcyclist speeding the wrong way on Atan Iju Road in Ogun State. The biker crashed into a pile of sand and got hurt.


Despite warnings from bystanders to leave, my dad stopped to help. He called us around 5-6 a.m., saying he wanted to take the injured man to the hospital. We suggested he continue his journey, but he insisted on helping.


My dad struggled to get help from others and finally managed to get a police officer and a keke driver to take them to a hospital. Unfortunately, the biker died there.


Instead of being thanked, my dad was arrested and charged with a traffic accident. Even though he’s a licensed driver with a lot of experience, he’s been held in jail for three days, and it’s causing a lot of stress for our family. My mother is even sick from the worry.


He was moved to another police station where he gave a statement about what happened. Since he struggles with writing, I’m not sure if his statement is accurate. Despite witness accounts confirming he was only trying to help, my dad is still in custody.


The deceased’s family is demanding 15 million naira in compensation, saying the man was a church leader with financial responsibilities. They’ve been rude and even brought up tribal issues.


We’ve managed to raise 400,000 naira to offer as compensation but can’t afford a lawyer. My dad’s health is worsening in jail, and we urgently need help and advice on what to do next.


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