Ethereum: Binance API returns with: APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: PRICE_FILTER

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Understanding Ethereum API Errors: A Troubleshooting Guide

As a developer, it’s important to be aware of potential errors that can occur when interacting with external APIs, such as the Binance API. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the error message and provide steps to resolve similar issues.

Error Message Explanation

The error code -1013: Filter Error: PRICE_FILTER indicates a problem with filtering data before sending a request to the Binance API. Here’s what each part of the code means:

  • APIError(code=-1013): This is an API-specific error message that includes information about the error.
  • Filter Failure: PRICE_FILTER: This is the specific reason for the error, which in this case is related to data filtering.

Possible Causes

When you encounter the error code -1013, there are several possible causes:

  • Insufficient or incorrect filter parameters: The API may not be able to accurately filter the requested data due to inadequate or missing parameters.
  • API version mismatch: Binance may have changed its API versions since you last used it, causing compatibility issues with your request.
  • Rate limit or quota exceeded

    : Binance may have reached its rate limits or exceeded its available quotas for a particular operation, resulting in an error.

  • Server-side issues or maintenance: The server hosting the Binance API may be experiencing technical difficulties, outages, or maintenance that is causing the issue.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve error code -1013 and similar issues, follow these steps:

  • Check your parameters: Make sure you are passing all required filters and parameters to the create_order() function.
  • Check API version compatibility: Confirm that both your client library and Binance API are using compatible versions.
  • Increase rate limits or check quotas: If you have exceeded your available quota for a particular operation, consider increasing it before submitting further requests.
  • Monitor server-side issues: Keep an eye on the Binance API status page ( for any known outages or maintenance.

Troubleshooting code example

To demonstrate how to solve this error, here is a modified example using Python:

import requirements

Set your API credentials and parameters

symbol = "ETH"

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Create an instance of the Binance client library

client = binance.Client(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

Define order parameters

order_type = "market"

page = "offers"

or "search"

amount = "100"

adjust the desired amount

Create an order request with the appropriate filtering parameters

order = client.create_order(






set a limit price if necessary


Resolve the error

if code == -1013:

print("Filter error: PRICE_FILTER")



response = red.send()


except requests.exceptions.RequestException like e:

print(f"Error sending request: {e}")

In this example, we set up an instance of the Binance client library and define the order parameters. Then using the API we create an order object and try to send it with the appropriate filtering parameters (in this case no price limit). If the error code is -1013, we catch the exception and print a friendly error message.

By following these steps and understanding the potential causes of errors like the -1013 code, you can improve your chances of resolving issues when using the Binance API.


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