Ethereum: Get values of a Java closable response body

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Access to the values ​​of a closed response body java

When working with the Endpoints websocket bees binance, you can receive a list of data as part of the answer. However, not all answers are easily accessible from within the Java code. In this article, we will explore how to extract values ​​from a closed response body.

Overview of Binance Api Websocket

Before immersing yourself in the solution, we quickly examine the basics of the websocket of the Binance. The BinanceapiTiBsocketclient 'class provides an interface for sending and receiving messages through the websocket protocol. When a message is received, it contains various fields which can be accessed using the methods provided.

Problem: List of data as an answer body

In your case, you probably expect to receive a list of data from Binance in response to a request for candelabra. However, if there is no field in the response structure of your bees, you will meet aOrg.binance.client.exceptions.binanceapxception.

To deal with this problem, we can use the following techniques:

  • Check the existence of specific fields

    Ethereum: Get values of a Java closable response body

    : verify that certain keys exist within your data list before trying to access it.

  • Use the Try-Catch block: Wrap the code in a Try-Catch block to capture any exceptions launched when accessing non-existent fields.

Solution: extract values ​​from the closed response body

Here is an example:


import java.util.arraylist;

import java.util.list;

Public class Candlestickrequest {

Private list Datelist;

Public List Getdatalist () {

If (datatalist == null || datatalist.isempty ()) {

// manages the case in which data is not received or not a list

return new arraying ();


return datatalist;


Public static class candlestickdata {

Symbol of private string;

Private list values;

Public Candlestickdata (String Symbol, list values) {

This.Symbol = symbol;

This.values ​​= values;



The chlorine candlestick () public lance binancepiexception {

// Create a new instance of the API client

BinanceapiTiBsocketclient client = …;

Try (Closeable Response = Client.Getnewestcandlestick ()) {

List Datelist = Response.getdatalist ();

for (Candlestickda Date: Datelist) {

If (Data.getvalues ​​()! = Null &&! Data.getvalues ​​(). ISEMPTY ()) {

// Extract values ​​from candle data

String Symbol = Data.Symbol;

List values ​​= Data.values;

// manages specific fields as needed (e.g. for “open”, use a separate method)

Handlecandlestickfields (symbol, values);



return response; // Return the original response object

} Catch (binancepiexception e) {

// registers and retouching the exception to maintain robustness

System.err.println (“Error that receives candelastic data:” + E.GetMessage ());

launch and;



Private Static Void HandleCandlestickfields (String Symbol, List Values) {

// manages specific fields as needed (e.g. for “open”, use a separate method)

// …




In this solution:

  • First check if the list of data isnull ‘or emptiness to avoid potential pointers.

  • If the list of data contains non -null data, we extract values ​​from each field using a capture block to capture any exceptions launched when accessing the fields that do not exist in the response object.

  • We use a separate method (`HandleCandlestickfields) to manage specific fields within the class’ candlestick.


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