Ethereum: Safe Contract Without Nonce

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Ethereum: Creating A Contract Nonce-A Step-by-Step Guide

As Ethereum Developers, We’ve All Been There – Staring at Your Code and Suborning Ifder. In this article, we’ll explore we’ll also delve in the signature issue you’re facing.

What is a nonce?

In Ethereum, A Nose (Shoot for “number without”), A Unque Value Generated for Each Transaction is includes a hash, the block, and the timestamp. The Nose Serves As a A Check to Prevent Replay Attacks, Ensuring That Transactions Are Valid Only Only.

Safe Contractors: A Letter Overview

A Safe contract in Ethereum is an immutable storage contract that stores data and provides varous functions for interacting with it. To this safe contractor without the Noth, we’ll need the contraction’s behavior.

Remoking Nonce from Safe Contract

To Remove the Nose, You’ll Need to the Contraction’s Logic to the tea’s the most of the most of the Sender’s Key as the Unqueer Insted, here’s an example:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Safe {

mapping (address => uint256) public values;

Function setvalue (Uint256 _Value) A Public {

Require (_Value! = 0, "Value Cannot Be Zero");

Values ​​[MSG.Sender] = _Value;



In This Example, We’ve Removed the Face Parameter and Instyad Used MSG.Sendender As The Unque Idenifier for Trarnsaction.

Signing with Nonce

With the same, You’ll Need Todate Your Contraction to the Sender’s Public Key (Instade of the Hash) Wen-Signing. This can be it ‘eth_signfunction:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Safe {

Function sign transaction (Uint256 _Value) Public Returns (Address, Bys Memory) {

Require (_Value! = 0, "Value Cannot Be Zero");

Eddress Sender = MSG.Sender;

bys memory signature = payable (msg.sender) .cal {value: _value} ("");

Return (signer, signature);



In This Example, We’veded a sign transaction Wen Calling this function, we passes the Sender’s Public as the Second Argument.

Signature Error

Now that you have an updated your contraction, it’s time it is a transaction! Howver, wen tryping to sign a sign a sign it-white without, ethereum will error:


Error: Invalid Message for Et_Sign

Contract Signature Error (Rethrow)


The Eth_Sign 'Function Expepects The Sender's Public Key As The Second Argument. To fix this issue, you can handkecccak256function to this signature, without:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Safe {

Function sign transaction (Uint256 _Value) Public Returns (Address, Bys Memory) {

Require (_Value! = 0, "Value Cannot Be Zero");

Eddress Sender = MSG.Sender;

Bytes Memory Data256 (MSG. Data);

Return (Sender, Abi.ENCODEPACKED (DATA));



In This Example, We’veded a Keccak256 call to the creature with Signature Without We will encode the signature using abi-encoded packed data.


Ethereum: Safe Contract Without Nonce


Creating a contraction Without the Noth in Etherum can Achieved by Modact’s Logic and updating the function that function. By Removing the Nose and Using the Sender’s Public, You Can Turns That Are More Flexible And Reusable.

Remember to test your updated contract Thoroughly, beefore deploying it to the Ethereum Network.

Additional resources

  • [Ethereum Developer Documentation] (

  • [Solidity tutorial] (

  • [EIP-1559 Documentation] (https: // github.

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