Flavour Recalls Being Asked To Leave The Stage For PSquare Early in His Career


Flavour Recalls Being Asked To Leave The Stage For PSquare Early in His Career

Nigerian high-life artist Chinedu Okoli, known as Flavour N’abania, recently shared a memorable moment from his rise to fame, revealing how he was once asked to leave the stage to make way for the famous Nigerian duo, PSquare.


In an interview with the *In My Opinion* podcast, Flavour reflected on his early career, starting as a choir conductor and drummer in church. He was introduced to a music producer who ran a company training young musicians, which led to his involvement with a band where he served for 13 years, eventually becoming the band leader.


“I didn’t initially aim to become Flavour or seek the spotlight,” Flavour said. “My goal was simply to perform at events and build my craft.”


After leaving the band, Flavour faced the challenges of performing on the streets, where he played tirelessly and developed an extensive repertoire. He noted the stark contrast between his hard work and the shorter, more celebrated performances of other artists.


A pivotal moment in his career came when PSquare, then riding high on their hit “Temptation,” were booked at the City Centre in Enugu, where Flavour was performing. The promoters, recognizing the duo’s star power, instructed Flavour to step aside, leading to a dramatic change in the atmosphere as PSquare took the stage.


Flavour recounted, “When PSquare’s manager told me to stop, I complied and watched as Paul of PSquare performed ‘Temptation.’ The crowd’s reaction was electrifying.”


This experience made Flavour realize the importance of developing a unique sound. “Watching PSquare, I understood that success comes from creating your own style and recording it properly,” he said. “It made me rethink my approach and strive to define myself as an artist.”


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