I have a genotype issue, More Needs To Be Done About Sickle Cell— Adekunle Gold

I have a genotype issue, More Needs To Be Done About Sickle Cell— Adekunle Gold


Nigeria singer, Adekun­le Gold has said that more needs to be done about the prevalence of Sickle Cell anaemia patients in the country. The singer, who was born with genotype issues said that it took him years to finally be able to share publicly that I was born with Sickle Cell anaemia.

Sharing a clip from an outreach pro­gramme he had for children living with the ailment, Gold said that over the last two years, he has spoken about this disease during his perfor­mances but has come to realise that more needs to be done.

Every year over 100,000 children are born with Sickle Cell in Nigeria alone. Sickle Cell has no cure, it is highly under researched because it largely af­fects West Africans. This weekend was very emotional for me, met children liv­ing with the disease, spoke with parents who are finding it hard to cope amidst the economic crisis in the country. “Thank you to @sa­miupdate and @sick­lecellfoundationng for the work you are doing. I am inspired by the touching sto­ries and encounters I had last weekend and I want to ensure that all the independent organisations doing the vital work, out­reach and research needed to fight Sickle Cell receive the re­sources and support that they desperately need,” he wro


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