Life After School: From Graduation Hopes to Reality; The Challenges Nigerian Graduates Face


Life After School: From Graduation Hopes to Reality; The Challenges Nigerian Graduates Face

By Tope John Fakinlede


Graduating from university in Nigeria is often seen as the gateway to a promising future. Many young graduates envision a life of success and stability, but the reality can sometimes fall short of these dreams. This article explores the gap between expectations and realities for Nigerian graduates, offering practical solutions and advice to help navigate these challenges.

Graduands celebrating their final exams

Positive Expectations: The Dream Scenario

1. Securing High-Paying Jobs: Graduates anticipate well-paying positions soon after graduation. In reality, this can be difficult due to a competitive job market and economic conditions.

2. Big Project Offers: Many hope for lucrative project opportunities. Such offers may be rare and require extensive networking or prior experience.

3. Marriage and Family Life: The dream of achieving financial stability to support family life is common. However, financial instability can delay these plans.

4. Investment and Business Ventures: Graduates aspire to start successful businesses or make smart investments, but lack of capital can be a major hurdle.

5. Further Education: Continuing education is often planned to enhance career prospects, but financial constraints and limited scholarships can pose challenges.

6. Travel Abroad: Graduates dream of traveling abroad for better opportunities or personal growth, but visa restrictions and financial limitations can be obstacles.

7. Acquiring Property and Vehicles: Owning a home or car is seen as a marker of success. However, high costs and limited income can make these goals difficult to achieve.

Negative Realities: The Disheartening Truth

1. Unemployment: Many graduates face long periods of unemployment due to a lack of job opportunities and a mismatch between their qualifications and available positions.

2. Dependence on Parents: Financial reliance on parents can delay personal growth and strain family relationships.

3. Relationship Break-up: Financial stress and career setbacks can lead to relationship issues and breakups.

4. Academic Sponsorship Failures: Difficulty securing funding for further education can impede career advancement.

5. Disappointment and Promise Failures: Unfulfilled promises from friends and family can lead to feelings of betrayal and frustration.

6. Exploitation and Harassment: Some graduates face sexual harassment or exploitation in the workplace.

7. Low and Delayed Salaries: Even when employed, many graduates encounter low starting salaries and delayed payments.

8. Career Divergence: Limited job opportunities often force graduates into unrelated jobs, leading to dissatisfaction.

9. Street Life and Risky Behaviors: Desperation can drive some graduates to engage in illegal activities or substance abuse.

10. Political Exploitation and Thuggery: Economic necessity may lead some graduates to become involved in political thuggery or other exploitative activities.

Practical Solutions for Graduates

1. Patience for Better Opportunities: Graduates should be patient while seeking better opportunities, as quick success is rare. Perseverance is crucial.

2. Satisfaction with Current Circumstances: Learning to manage expectations and be content with current situations can alleviate stress and improve well-being.

3. Researching Opportunities: Actively researching new opportunities, including different industries and networking, is essential for finding viable paths.

4. Avoiding Social Ills: Graduates should avoid engaging in illegal activities or substance abuse, focusing instead on legitimate opportunities.

5. Embracing Challenges: Viewing challenges as temporary and part of the growth process can help graduates navigate obstacles effectively.

6. Learning Vocational Skills: Embracing vocational training can provide practical skills and open up alternative career paths.

7. Attending Seminars and Workshops: Participating in seminars and workshops can enhance knowledge, skills, and networking opportunities.

8. Pursuing Digital Skills: Acquiring digital skills is increasingly important in the modern job market and can significantly boost employability.

9. Applying for Scholarships and Grants: Graduates should seek out scholarships and government grants to support further education or business ventures.

10. Exploring Online Opportunities: The internet offers various opportunities, including remote work and freelance gigs. Navigating online platforms can help graduates find additional income sources.

Advice for Future Graduates

For those preparing to graduate, it’s important to manage expectations with realism. The journey from graduation to career success is often longer and more challenging than anticipated. Future graduates should focus on building skills, gaining experience, and exploring all available opportunities while maintaining realistic goals.

In conclusion, while Nigerian graduates often have high hopes for their post-graduation lives, the transition can be fraught with challenges. By embracing practical solutions, pursuing continuous learning, and maintaining realistic expectations, graduates can better navigate the difficult realities and work towards achieving their long-term goals.


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