Metamask: Web3 JS (MetaMask Ext and Metamask Mobile)

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METAMASK: Web3.js – Extensor and mobile application

As a React developer who builds decentralized applications (DAPPS) in the Ethereum block chain, it is likely to be familiar with the importance of safe communication between its front-end and its backend. A crucial aspect is to ensure that the functions of your contract are called successfully since its application.

In this article, we will deepen how to use MetamSk, a web 3.JS extensor for ReACT applications, to call the contract functions in your Ethereum Testnet or local Mainnet.

What is Metamk?

Metamask is an open source browser extension that allows users to interact with the Ethereum block chain directly in their web browsers. It provides an easy to use interface to send and receive ETHER (ETH), as well as interact with several contract functions.

Why the functions of the call contract with MetamSk?

Metamask: Web3 JS (MetaMask Ext and Metamask Mobile)

Calling the functions of the contract in your Netnet or Local Mainnet can be useful for tests, development or even production implementation. However, it is essential to keep in mind that calling the contract functions directly from an extension of the browser may not work due to safety and compatibility problems.

Here are some scenarios in which it is possible to call the functions of the contract using Metamask:

  • Try decentralized applications : If you are creating a DAPP in the Ethereum block chain, MetamSk can help you try the functionality of its application without having to configure an external network.

  • Development environment : You can use MetamSk to interact with local tests or development networks to prove the functions of the contract before implementing them in a live chain.

  • Production implementation : If you plan to implement your DAPP in Mainnet, it is essential to ensure that the functions of your contract are called successfully. Metamask can help you achieve this by providing a safe interface to interact with your contract.

Metamask Extender and Metamask Mobile application **

The Metamask extensor is a light extension of the browser that allows you to access the Ethereum block chain in your web browser. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Once installed, you can use the Metamask extender to interact with its contract functions.

How to call the contract functions using Metamk

To call the functions of the contract with Metamk, follow these steps:

  • Install the MetamSk extensor : Download and install the Metamask extensor from the official website.

  • Open the configuration of the extensor : click on the three points (⋯) next to the icon of your browser in the address bar, then select “configuration”.

  • Select Testnet or Mainnet : Choose the Ethereum Network you want to use (for example, Ropsten Testnet or Rinkeby Mainnet).

  • Create a new wallet : Create a new wallet or use an existing one.

  • Install the Metamk web SDK: Metamk’s extensor provides a web SDK to interact with the functions of your contract. You must install this JavaScript library in your React application.

Here is an example of how you can call a contract function using MetamSk in its React component:


import react, {usestate} of ‘react’;

Import Metamaskwebsdk from ‘@metamask/web-sdk’;

const web3 = metamaskwebsdk;

Mycomponent function () {

const [contractaddress, setcontractaddress] = usstate (‘0x …’);

const callfunction = async () => {

attempt {

// Call contract function using MetamSk

const web3 = new web3 (Metamkwebsdk);

Const accounts = alea metamaskwebsdk.getacount (). Find ((accounts) => accounts.address === Contractaddress);

Const date = Waiting ({a: contractaddress, data: ‘0x …’, value: ‘0x …’});

console.log (result); // Issue the function returned by the contract

} capt (error) {


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