NSCDC uncovered an illegal refinery in Abia state, arrested 12 vandals


NSCDC uncovered an illegal refinery in Abia state, arrested 12 vandals


The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) recently uncovered an illegal refinery in Obiakpo Obuzo, a community in Abia State. During the operation, they arrested 12 individuals suspected of being involved in the illegal activities.


The NSCDC identified and shut down an unauthorized refinery, which was likely involved in the illegal processing of crude oil. These illicit operations are common in some parts of Nigeria, where individuals refine crude oil without proper authorization or adherence to safety and environmental regulations.

The illegal refinery was located in Obiakpo Obuzo, a community within Abia State. Abia is one of Nigeria’s oil-producing states and has seen instances of illegal oil activities.

During the raid, 12 individuals suspected of engaging in the illegal refinery operations were apprehended. These suspects are typically involved in various roles, from the extraction and refining process to the distribution of the refined products.


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