Over 20 Civilians Killed in Central Mali Attack


Over 20 Civilians Killed in Central Mali Attack


A devastating attack in central Mali has resulted in the deaths of more than 20 civilians. The incident occurred on Saturday in a village within the Bankass Circle of the Mopti region, a region plagued by insurgent violence from jihadist groups associated with al Qaeda and the Islamic State since 2012.


Bankass Mayor Moulaye Guindo reported that unidentified armed men ambushed villagers on their way to work in the fields. “Yesterday we counted 19 deaths, but today the number has risen to more than 20,” he said in a phone call.


The insurgency in Mali, which began with a Tuareg rebellion in 2012, has since expanded across the Sahel, impacting northern regions of several West African coastal nations. Despite extensive international military interventions aimed at combating these jihadist factions, they have continued to advance, causing thousands of deaths and displacing millions. These groups frequently target civilian populations and military sites.


The persistent inability of authorities to protect civilians has significantly contributed to the region’s political instability. This ongoing insecurity has led to two coups in Mali since 2020 and has also triggered coups in neighboring Burkina Faso and Niger.


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