Relationships appear more difficult than ever nowadays

Relationships appear more difficult than ever nowadays

Relationships appear more difficult than ever nowadays

Relationships are now more difficult than ever. Everyone is being wary and careful of the other person. Men don’t trust ladies and ladies don’t trust men. Everyone is on the edge, suspicious of the words and actions of other person. Distrust everywhere.

Voluntary unions are now built on falsehood and distrust. No one wants to be the fool. No one wants to be the “mugu”. Everyone wants to be the smart one.

The winner of this unfortunate battlefield is he who has the least emotions and who cares less. It is more sad when one realises that these are two species that are meant to work together in a physical and spiritual upbuilding but this is where we are today.

More sad is that, it will get worse as time passes because even these wrong values are being passed on to the younger generation who cling to it more firmly and build on it. Building on the wrong values with so much energy and talent, directed in the wrong direction. And when one seeks to find the root cause of this pain and scar we all bear, we end up going round in circles and plunging ourselves into the very entities that birthed these false attitudes. A vicious cycle.

We are like a legion of lost souls in a dark enclosed tunnel, getting in eachother’s way just to find a way out but without a genuine desire to change from within.

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