See How A Young Girl’s Hands Was Burn With A Piece of Leather For Stealing Meats From Pot


See How A Young Girl’s Hands Was Burn With A Piece of Leather For Stealing Meats From Pot


Child Abuse Incident Reported on Facebook by Lazman Standing Syndrome

A disturbing incident of child abuse has come to light through a Facebook post by Lazman Standing Syndrome, reported by First Class Gists. The post details the harrowing story of a young girl living with her aunt and her husband, who suffered severe punishment at the hands of her guardian.

The image shared on Facebook shows the burned hands of the young girl. According to the post, the girl’s teacher noticed the injuries and inquired about the cause. It was revealed that the girl was punished for allegedly stealing meat from a soup pot. In a shocking act of cruelty, her hands were burned with a piece of leather.


Lazman Standing Syndrome expressed profound heartbreak and disbelief over the incident, questioning how a woman who identifies as a mother could inflict such pain on another person’s child. He compared the severity of the punishment to his own experience with minor burns, emphasizing the immense suffering the girl must have endured.

Efforts to obtain the names of the aunt and her husband were unsuccessful, as they refused to disclose their identities. Lazman criticized the husband for covering up his wife’s actions and for claiming ignorance about the maltreatment of the two girls in their care. He admonished the couple, reminding them that their actions are under divine scrutiny.


Lazman concluded his post by asserting his belief that women can sometimes be more heartless and cruel than men, particularly in this case of child abuse.


This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the need for vigilance and intervention to protect vulnerable children from such acts of cruelty.


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