See The Names of Eight Internet frauds That Court Sentences  in Uyo


See The Names of Eight Internet frauds That Court Sentences  in Uyo


The Uyo Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has secured the conviction of eight individuals involved in internet fraud. Justice Rosemary Oghoghorie of the Federal High Court in Calabar, Cross River State, handed down the sentences.


The convicted individuals are: Abasiofon Daniel Essien (also known as Jason Momoa), Gideon Junior, Edikan Ubong, Harrison Chiemelie, Ndifereke Umoh, Christopher Promise, Effiong Wisdom, and Godswill Nsikan.


They faced charges of criminal impersonation, identity theft, and obtaining money by false pretenses.


One charge against Essien stated: “That you, Abasiofon Daniel Essien (aka Jason Momoa), sometime in 2023, in Nigeria, within the jurisdiction of this court, did take possession of $300 intentionally, knowing that the money formed part of the proceeds of an unlawful act, namely identity theft, thereby committing an offense contrary to Section 18(2)(d) of the Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act 2022, and punishable under Section 18(3) of the same Act.”


All eight pleaded guilty to the charges. The prosecution, led by Khamis Mahmud, presented their confessional statements and incriminating evidence from their mobile phones to the court, urging for their conviction.


Justice Oghoghorie sentenced each of the defendants to two years in prison. Umoh, Promise, Chiemelie, and Nsikan were given the option to pay a fine of N2 million each. Junior, Essien, and Ubong were offered a N1.5 million fine option, while Wisdom was given the option of a N1 million fine.


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