See What Linda Ikeji told Young Women About Having Their Own Money


See What Linda Ikeji told Young Women About Having Their Own Money


Renowned media personality Linda Ikeji has encouraged young women to pursue financial independence rather than relying on men for financial support.

Ikeji emphasized that wealth is not exclusively a “birthright” of men and urged women to strive for their own financial success.

In a message on her Instagram page, Ikeji wrote:

“Dear young lady, I understand your perspective. If that’s how you choose to live, that’s your decision. But for me, I would rather achieve financial success on my own terms, rather than depending on men who pay me for my looks. Wealth isn’t just a man’s privilege. I’d rather be their equal than wait for their handouts.

“Many believe it’s a man’s world, and perhaps it is, but with courage, strength, determination, and grace, women can excel and flourish in it. So, instead of waiting for men’s generosity, I’d rather start early to chase my dreams, build my businesses, break barriers, and, if God permits, achieve greatness.”


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