Six regular exercises to stop quick ejaculations

Six regular exercises to stop quick ejaculations

Six regular exercises to stop quick ejaculations

Regular exercises has been proven by many researchers to have helped men in delay of ejaculation.
It can be so unfulfilling and demoralising to experience quick ejaculation especially when your woman is beginning to enjoy the moment.

premature ejaculation has become a common complaint among men worldwide.

According Mayo Clinic, premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates sooner than he wants to while having $3x. If it happens only rarely, it isn’t cause for concern.

A man might be diagnosed with premature ejaculation in the following scenarios:

Always or nearly always ejaculates within 1 to 3 minutes of penetration

Is never or rarely able to delay ejaculation during $3x

Feels distressed and frustrated about timing of ejaculation and tends to avoid sexual intimacy as a result

Researchers have suggested couple of exercises to boast your self-esteem men. some of which include;

1. Deep breathing

Mind-body interventions like meditation keep your tension and arousal of early ejaculation in control. If your breathing is shallow, it can speed up your heart rate and trigger your ejaculation. Take deep breaths and hold your breath for 5 second between each inhalation and exhalation. Also practise asanas like Chaturanga Dandasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Vrikshasana to increase your strength and control over ejaculation.

2. Stop and start method

This trick is performed to help you understand your ejaculation and orgasm process better. To do this, you have to orgasm a few times on your own, but double the times you normally do in a week. Now once you are close to your orgasm, stop the simulation. Relax and then continue till the end. Repeat the process for a few weeks and then you will become efficient in delaying your ejaculation.

3. Pelvic Floor Exercises/Kegel exercises
Exercising pelvic floor muscles was also shown to have some benefits. Men who practiced pelvic floor exercises increased latency time from a median of 1 minute to 3 minutes.

Pelvic floor muscles play a role in ejaculation, and men who can strengthen and improve pelvic muscle control may be able to delay ejaculation by relaxing their perineal muscles, according to the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA).

Also called Kegel exercises, pelvic floor workouts can help strengthen these muscles, according to Mayo Clinic.

4. Tantric techniques

While some may ward it off as delusional, tantric sex is a boon for explorative couples. Following the tantric techniques, men can control early ejaculation and also improve their sexual life to a great extent. To use this technique pull out immediately and cease stimulation a few minutes before you feel orgasmic. You will feel your PC muscles and then lower your chin on your chest. This is done to prevent the energy from rising any further. Now take a deep breath and to feel the warmth of your partner’s body and continue.

5. Applying strategic pressure

This technique makes it easy to delay ejaulation and brings you in touch with your anatomy. For doing this, the first step is knowing about your perineum and putting pressure over it. Perineum is the spot that lies midway between the scrotum and the anus. It reaches the prostate gland and pressing it helps in delaying the ejaculation process. This happens since the path to the prostate gland gets blocked when you press. Generally, the prostate expands and contracts at the time of orgasm, until you ejaculate. Pressing it breaks the rhythm and delays satisfaction. Another way to apply pressure is tugging the testes. Ask your partner to slowly pull your testes down and away from your body during the intercourse to delay ejaculation.

6. Limit the anxiety

Anxiety can make your ejaculate prematurely before any of you are satisfied with the intercourse. To limit the anxiety, practise running, dancing or strength training exercise before you are about to copulate. And then take a bath with lukewarm water. You can also practise yogic asana sike Virabhadrasana and other breath controlling practises immediately before the act to calm your nerves. Try to make the process more relaxing by preventing your brain from getting too worried.


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