Soyinka Hopes Peter Obi Won’t Run Again, He Criticizes His Team’s as Incompetent 


Soyinka Hopes Peter Obi Won’t Run Again, He Criticizes His Team’s as Incompetent 


Nobel Laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka has expressed hope that Peter Obi, the former Labour Party presidential candidate, will not run in the next election, citing incompetence within his team. In a recent interview with Noble Nigeria, Soyinka argued that the actions of the Labour Party’s leadership during the last election demonstrated their unfitness to govern Nigeria.


Soyinka accused Obi of orchestrating online harassment against critics, including himself, through supporters known as ‘Obidients’. He noted that these online trolls frequently insulted prominent figures who questioned the party’s campaign strategies.


Soyinka stated, “The issue is one of education. Although I did not read all the insults from the Obidient Movement, I saw some links sent to me, especially when false information was being spread. I was disgusted by these orchestrated attacks. There is a relay mechanism controlled by those who command the Internet trolls, which only increased my disgust and contempt.”


He continued, “Despite the insults, I remained focused on my work. Anyone who thinks they can silence me from speaking the truth needs a reality check. It’s discouraging to see aspiring political leaders endorsing such behavior in the youth. This kind of conduct is counterproductive and will ultimately backfire.”


Describing the online trolls as “foot soldiers,” Soyinka warned that these individuals might eventually turn against their instigators. “For those aspiring to lead a diverse society with multiple religions, ethnic groups, and worldviews, promoting such divisive tactics shows their incompetence to govern,” he added.


When asked about Obi’s candidacy, Soyinka remarked, “For the sake of the nation, I hope he does not run in the next election. His encouragement of such conduct among his followers proves he is unfit to lead the country.”


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