Testimony: How A Nurse Used The Blood Of Jesus To Save Me From Death

Testimony: How A Nurse Used The Blood Of Jesus To Save Me From Death



A few years ago, after completing my compulsory six-month Industrial Training (IT) and waiting for my final year session to begin, I was working on a practical project for my IT defense, which was to be presented soon.


While using a very sharp knife to cut some materials, it slipped from my hand and landed right between my left thumb and index finger. The cut was so deep that I could literally see my bone. Blood gushed out like a fountain, soaking my room in minutes. cry


Sensing the danger, I quickly poured hydrogen peroxide on the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding, but it didn’t work. The cut was too deep and wide, and I couldn’t even bear to look at it twice. In a panic, I tore a piece of fabric, wrapped it around my hand, and rushed to a nearby drugstore owned by a nurse.


As soon as she saw the depth of my wound, she gasped and asked what had happened. I just told her to proceed with the treatment, assuring her I’d explain later. She cleaned and dressed the wound with some liquid medication, and almost instantly, the bleeding stopped.


When she asked if I wanted stitches, I refused out of fear, insisting the wound would heal on its own.





After the final dressing and bandaging of the wound, I felt relieved as the nurse explained my treatment routine and the medications I needed to take. But suddenly, everything went blank. shocked


I felt empty, as if my soul was leaving my body. It was a painful, forceful separation, and I was utterly helpless. My body felt dry, drained of life. In those few moments, I experienced something beyond comprehension—I felt as though I was traveling between the past and future, reliving memories in flashes. My soul was crying, and my biggest thought was how my mother would react upon hearing that her son had died in school. cry


It all happened so quickly. Just as I was about to collapse completely, I heard a loud cry: “THE BLOOD OF JESUS! OH, THE BLOOD OF JESUS!” shocked


Over and over, the nurse repeated these words. In that instant, my soul awakened, and an unexplainable surge of energy rushed through my body.


Apparently, while I was slipping away, the nurse noticed my eyes rolling back and turning white. Realizing I was losing consciousness, she immediately began pleading the blood of Jesus over me. That was how I came back to life!





As if that wasn’t enough, another miracle followed—the deep wound that should have taken weeks to heal started closing up within days. Even the nurse was astonished! She attributed it to me having good skin, but deep down, I knew it was God at work.


Despite my injury, I completed my project successfully and defended it excellently. Today, I have long graduated, healthy and strong, to the glory of God.

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