The Guilt Of Locking My Husband Up For Two Days Still Hunt Me – Lady Confesses

The Guilt Of Locking My Husband Up For Two Days Still Hunt Me - Lady Confesses

The Guilt Of Locking My Husband Up For Two Days Still Hunt Me – Lady Confesses

A Nigerian lady has taken her social media account to narrate how she locked her husband up in prison for two. This was as a result of the man’s sudden change of behaviour.

She wrote

My husband lost his job two years ago and ever since he has been so reluctant on getting another.. not to brag but I can say I have been the one keeping the family going ever since the job incidence (not like I ever complained) .

What I noticed about him is he now drinks and smokes and he is always hissing (obviously he is not happy and I try to always console him just to elevate his Spirit)

Fast forward to last two months.. I got back from work and I was very tired.. I had to go pick the kids from school , bathe them, feed them and to make matters worst I wasn’t feeling too alright .. (when I got home he (my husband) wasn’t at home)

When I was done with the kids and fixing the house I was so tired I thought to myself to take a little nap that was how I slept off (and this was around 9pm)

He got back around 10pm obviously drunk and smelling like a skunk.. he went straight to the kitchen. That was how the whole problem started.. first was insult.. then my phone, smashed it on the ground later my clothes he started tearing them .. saying all those things he was destroying was why I was feeling untouchable that he knows I have male friends sleeping with me..

I tried securing my items so he doesn’t destroy more things that was how he pounced on me..

The next day I got him arrested he spent two days there.. but now I feel so guilty… He doesn’t talk to me anymore.. I have apologized times without number.

I don’t just know what to do…

Nb: even while he was there I was still taking food to him


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