The Sex Act Almost Everyone Does That Could Be Fuelling Throat Cancer 


The Sex Act Almost Everyone Does That Could Be Fuelling Throat Cancer 

It is most commonly found on and around the genitals, and usually causes no problems — the virus so considered so harmless, it immune system doesn’t naturally try to fight it off.


However for reasons that aren’t fully understood, the virus can invade body tissues and trigger cells changes that lead to cancer.


There are over 150 types of HPV, but only about 12 can cause cancer. HPV 16 and 18 are the most common high-risk strains that can cause oropharyngeal cancer.


This data shows that in the UK cases of throat cancer have been trending upward, just like in the US


Catching the virus has been shown to increase risk of several cancers including cervical, mouth, anal, penile and vaginal


The HPV vaccine – which is offered to all 12- and 13-year-old school children – more than halved rates of head and neck cancers, according to a new study


The HPV vaccine – which is offered to all 12- and 13-year-old school children – more than halved rates of head and neck cancers, according to a new study


Doctors have found that MouthAction is the biggest risk factors for this type of cancer — outpacing smoking, alcohol consumption and an unhealthy diet.


This is because the acts can lead to an HPV infection at the back of the throat or near the tonsil.


Oropharyngeal cancers affect men more than women however it isn’t clear whether or not cunnilingus — MouthAction performed on a woman — is riskier in terms of HPV transmission — than MouthAction — MouthAction performed on a man.


Research shows the overwhelming majority of (85.4 per cent) and women (83.2 per cent) perform MouthAction during intimacy.


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