Traditional Worshippers Advocate for Traditional Oath-Taking System for Public Officials


Traditional Worshippers Advocate for Traditional Oath-Taking System for Public Officials

Traditional worshippers in Ondo State, Nigeria, are calling for the adoption of traditional oath-taking for public officials, asserting that it is more effective and impactful compared to oaths taken with religious texts.


They argue that despite taking oaths with the Bible or Quran, many public officials continue to engage in corruption and abuse of power without facing repercussions.


Ayobami Ogedengbe, the Araba Awo of Oke Agbe, made this proposal during the Isese Day celebration in Akure on Tuesday. He emphasized that traditional oaths could address these issues more effectively, as violations would be met with swift and immediate consequences.


Ogedengbe advocated for the inclusion of traditional oaths in the official process to ensure greater accountability and integrity in public office. He highlighted that in Yorubaland, the significance and penalties associated with breaking traditional oaths are well understood and respected.


“The existing system in Nigeria has flaws that undermine integrity,” Ogedengbe said. “Our people believe that traditional deities uphold integrity, and no Yoruba individual would dare breach an oath made before these gods. Such oaths reinforce the seriousness of African traditional practices and would bring order to our system.”


During the same event, Araba Folorunsho Adetunji, the Araba Isese of Ondo State, proposed that the Ondo State government declare August 20 a public holiday in honor of the Isese festival. Adetunji described Isese Day as a celebration of heritage, acknowledging the achievements of ancestors and embracing cultural customs.


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