Watch Video: Four Nigerian Policemen Reject N8 Million Bribe From Arrested Criminals


Watch Video: Four Nigerian Policemen Reject N8 Million Bribe From Arrested CriminalsNigeria police

Click to watch video of how four Police officers reject bribe


Four Nigerian policemen stationed at a checkpoint along the Jalingo-Yola highway have garnered widespread praise for their integrity after they turned down a staggering N8 million bribe offered by arrested criminals. The officers were approached by individuals attempting to secure their release by offering a substantial sum.


Despite facing financial hardships, the policemen remained steadfast in their commitment to upholding the law and refused the bribe. Their principled stand against corruption has sparked admiration from citizens across the nation.


The incident serves as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against corruption within law enforcement agencies in Nigeria, highlighting the importance of integrity and ethical conduct among public servants. The authorities have commended the officers for their exemplary behavior and pledged to reward them for their integrity.


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