Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone

Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone

Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone

In this era of fast charging features added to many phones, at the least, it is ‘inadvisable’ to do both things at once. Simple reasoning says that while charging the battery temperature rises… and while using the phone the CPU consumes energy from the battery itself which also adds to the heating.

Charging your phone while using it will definitely put a load on the battery a bit more than when you only charge it without using it. If you just listen to music for a short period, you should be fine, but once your phone begins to heat up you should immediately stop.

In this day of efficient batteries and fast charging, I would really suggest that you should first charge you phone fully and THEN use it for whatever you want. Why risk it?
An information technologist said.

Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone
A factory worker was found dead after being electrocuted while charging his phone-and-using the earpiece

Another Information tecnologist said
There have been rare cases where the phone has exploded while being used on charging,but these are cases where the person concerned was using duplicate batteries or charger,or was not using the product as intended,like plugging the phone into a socket with wrong power output.Most household appliances and gadget are calibrated to work under normal household supply of 230V AC,5-6 as long as you are using original batteries and charger with proper power supply,you need not worry.

But what is the physiological effect of such actions to the brain

The cellphone is fast becoming the new cigarette. Although harmful, many people tend to overlook it until it becomes a problem in the future.

Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone
Why you should not use ear piece while charging your phone

Using earphones while charging your phone puts can result in brain damage because of radiation emission and in the case that electricity is conducted. While the quantity of electricity is relatively low, the radiation contained will more or less affect the brain.

On the other hand, it is advisable to use your earphones for calls WHILE it is NOT CHARGING this can help to reduce the amount of radiation that goes to your head.



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