What to do When Sexual Temptation Hunts You From Place To Place


What to do When Sexual Temptation Hunts You From Place To Place

At times she is outside, at times in the open square, lurking at every corner.” (Proverbs 7:12)


Like all spirits, those driven by erotic desire exhibit remarkable mobility. While a typical spirit may move swiftly, it cannot exist in multiple places at once—only God possesses that omnipresence. The seductress, influenced by these lustful spirits, is constantly on the move, seeking to ensnare individuals from various walks of life.


These predators may not encounter every potential victim “outside,” but rather in more public spaces. Some individuals may evade their grasp in everyday life but can be reached through social media. Thus, when we observe these seductresses “lurking at every corner,” it becomes clear they are attending various events and engaging across multiple platforms, knowing that not everyone uses the same social media site.


What drives this relentless pursuit? It is the urgency of the devil and his minions, who recognize their time is limited before facing eternal judgment.


As a reminder, we are advised: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)


Their goal is to drag down as many souls as possible in a final act of defiance. They often push those under their influence to extremes, disregarding their well-being. For instance, many individuals in the sex trade may engage with numerous partners daily, sacrificing their health for temporary gain. The devil is indifferent to their suffering; once they no longer serve his purpose, he discards them.


With faith in God, you can stand strong and emerge victorious in Jesus’ name.


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