Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour Shares His Opinion On Nigerien Coup

Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour Shares His Opinion On Nigerien Coup

Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour Shares His Opinion On Nigerien Coup

FCGs reports that Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour, The former Labour Party Governorship candidate of Lagos state has shared his opinion on the Nigerien Millitary Coup.

FCGs learnt this from a tweet he shared via his twitter handle on Saturday, 5th August.

His tweet read

Unlike some, i have only one passport and have sworn no allegiance to any other state. Nigeria is all I have. A war with a people who appear to be uniting around a common interest, seeking economic freedom and a departure from over bearing western influence will have very dire consequences for our image as a regional power and could pose much graver security threats.

Their alliance in the footprint of the ancient songhai empire is not by accident, their fight is also ideological with the memory of Thomas Sankara being evoked.
For several years in recent times, we have seen both political and military leaders send patriotic soldiers to war illequiped and with very little remuneration while they reward themselves with vanities.

We are still grappling with major insecurity as a result of the destabilization of Libya by France and its Allies, and because Africa did not present a United front, west africa is paying the price for that destabilization.

Forget the fact that we have serious internal security challenges that is stretching our military, or the fact that our economy is in a parlous state, how does it make sense that Nigeria wants to lead an effort to spill the blood of people who are seeking emancipation?
We must focus on a diplomatic solution.

Nigeria cannot afford to be enmeshed in a war and we must stand against international destabilization of the region, if we don’t, it will be a mess we will eventually clean up and pay dearly for, ask Libya.

For those focused on flags and videos, an alliance has been formed. For the war mongers amongst you. Your leaders making these decisions on your behalf will be alright, they can easily avoid the blow back of this decision.

Do the masses have this privilege, the same way your taxes are paying to fill the fuel tanks of their convoy.
Dialogue and diplomacy is in Nigeria’s best interest.


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