How Police Captured The Notorious terrorist in Yobe


How Police Captured The Notorious terrorist in Yobe


The Yobe State Police Command announced on Monday the arrest of Haruna Mohammed, aged 40, suspected to be a leader of a notorious terrorist group. According to Dungus Abdulkarim, spokesperson for the command, Mohammed was apprehended by the State Intelligent Department (SID). Abdulkarim stated that Mohammed had been involved in terrorizing towns, villages, and neighboring states by making threatening phone calls to extort money and valuables from his victims.


The arrest came after a victim from Siminti village reported that Mohammed had demanded N3 million and threatened his life and that of his family. Following an intensive intelligence operation on June 16, detectives from SID successfully arrested Mohammed at Nangillam village in Tarmuwa Local Government Area. Abdulkarim mentioned that Mohammed confessed to his crimes and provided information about other members of the terrorist syndicate, who are currently under investigation.


Abdulkarim urged communities to promptly report any security breaches and assured the public of the command’s commitment to eliminating criminal activities in Yobe State.


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