I’m the one behind Verydarkman’s arrest’ – Samklef


I’m the one behind Verydarkman’s arrest’ – Samklef

Samklef Claims Responsibility for Verydarkman’s Arrest

VDM and Samklef

Popular Nigerian music producer Samklef has taken credit for the arrest of controversial critic Verydarkman (VDM). Reports surfaced on Sunday that VDM had been arrested again, weeks after his last release.


VDM has faced multiple arrests since the beginning of the year, often due to clashes with various Nigerian celebrities. Responding to the recent arrest, Samklef posted on his Instagram page, stating, “I’m behind Verydarkman’s arrest. I have a serious death threat case with him.”


He continued, “Verydarkman has been arrested! Oya, poor envy children, go protest for your hero. I, Samklef, am one of the people responsible for his arrest! Don’t play! He needs extra cellcation.”


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